Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Well...tonight was the first recipe I tried. I will say that my vegetable-chopping skills improved. I had to cut the onions very quickly. Although Bloom listed them as "tear-free," I had streaks of eye make up running down my face in about 20 seconds after the peeling of the onion began. Basically, the recipe was rosemary crusted pork tenderloin with vegetables. I am not the biggest rosemary fan, but I actually thought it was pretty good. My friend Doug Erwin and his roommate came over to taste test. Doug was a little too into constructive criticism, but nobody thought it was a flop. The recipe is low fat, low cholesterol and low calorie, so I think at least our bodies were thanking us! Since baking is my stronger area in the kitchen, I think I shall attempt a new dessert next... My dad has requested a German chocolate cake for his birthday this weekend, so that might be next! :-)

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