Sunday, April 4, 2010

And so it begins...

Well I have decided to start an adventure. Not sure if my inspiration is from the movie "Julie and Julie" or if I just thought I should try to become more of an interesting person! The goal of this blog is to share with my friends and family my attempts in the kitchen to create tasteful dishes.

I like to think I am a good cook, but not a great cook. I noticed last week that my recipe book only contained five recipes. That statement is pitiful. If I expect to get married, I better get busy! My grandmother is getting older and somewhat weaker every year. My mother does not enjoy cooking, so the responsibility of family dinners for the holidays will most likely rest on my shoulders.

Basically, I have a thousand reasons to practice new recipes. I hope that having a blog will cause me to stick with this plan. I have no idea how many people will even look at this, but I enjoy expressing myself and truly appreciate interest and support from my friends and family.

I will be posting the pictures of my first recipe tomorrow. Goodnight!

1 comment:

  1. Good luck pretty girl! Please take pictures of your final products and post recipes if you like them and succeed. I follow several cooking blogs, but yours might just have the most realistic expectations.

